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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Chemical Engineering

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Humanities include academic disciplines aimed at studying the human culture, both modern and ancient. History, arts, and literature aids the understanding of the power of the human mind in creating the world and how the created world has itself, influenced human society. This text will highlight salient lessons learned in the introduction to humanities, why they are essential, and giving my expectations of the importance of these lessons in modern life.
Studying humanities is not just a college course, it is an ongoing process of life that will enable us to build our society through sharing ideas. The study on the myths and history of human culture helps in the understanding of the connection between our past and present. How policies created have shaped us. Literature, facts, and findings from history enable us to understand early civilizations. Our culture today was developed by our past. Earlier scientists instigated scientific innovations. Therefore, incorporating humanities and other sciences is a positive step towards globalization, better ability to share ideas through effective communication, understanding global cultures, makes you familiar with new ideas, and how to use the creativity of past minds to better our society.
It is not a surprise to hear past graduates questioning the importance of taking humanities, favoring instead, science courses as core subjects. However, according to (Cameron et al. 3), Charle…

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