Human Cloning

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Human Cloning

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Family

Level: College

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Human Cloning
In the argument passage about human cloning, there are different controversies that have come along with science and technology. The author argues that it has imposed many choices to human activities that leave them suffering immense consequences. However, detecting the consequences is hard since it has incorporated various approaches in the society that give a promising outcome. Therefore, lots of people regret afterward. The author tries to evaluate the issue of human cloning and how it has been supported by many scientists. Moreover, its practices and procedures that have been proved right and evidences provided. Many researchers have tried to convince people; they have managed to get a large population believing that human cloning has some technical importance on humanity (Neky, 2008). On the contrary, they have failed to let people understand its negative results on human development are. As a result, the author wants to create awareness to people and then leave them to make their choices.
It is true human cloning gives a chance to scientists to produce humans who are genetically identical to others. The main problem comes after the clones have been formed. Most people and especially in the developing countries do not give much attention to it; the act has not yet been experienced in the area. Thus, the author wants to show people that cloning is a global hazard even though it’s done in one part of the world. With globalization, p…

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