How would you utilize your role as a Clinical Care Extender/PrepStep-Health Care Scholar to improve the patient experience in a hospital?

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How would you utilize your role as a Clinical Care Extender/PrepStep-Health Care Scholar to improve the patient experience in a hospital?

Category: Personal Essay

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

August 24, 2015
How to utilize the role of Clinical Care Extender/PrepStep-Health Care Scholar to improve the patient experience in a hospital
Although medical doctors play a critical role in healthcare, it is true that there are several other healthcare providers that are met or encountered by patients as they go through the system of healthcare (Strickland 89). These people are on the front line of the practice as they work with the patients or on their behalf directly. These healthcare professionals are a major focus or interest area in the present day health care system due to their importance.
As a provider of extended health, I would be happy to see that I help patients to a great deal by improving their experience in the hospital. I would join other healthcare extenders across the country in taking on the matters of prevention, intervention or treatment, non-compliance and even poor health results. Since I would be working closely with the sick persons and communities, I would be in a prime position to educate them together with their family members on the important matters of healthcare that they need to know and practice so as to be on the safer side of health.
While in the hospital setting, I would try to tend to the patients closely by offering the one-on-one attention, which many doctors usually do not have time for. This would be important for them because they would feel cared for and enjoy their stay during the whole process of…

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