how to get good grades in college

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how to get good grades in college

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Bioengineering

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Getting Good Grades in College
Grades are the determinant of college achievement. To excel in every examination, one must study hard and be equipped. The following are techniques, which a student can use to get good grades.
Firstly, remaining organized is not a hard thing. Each scholar has his/her method of staying organized and stay away from distractions. Having a student planning will remind one of the daily tasks and what needs to be accomplished before the day ends. He/she should prioritize essential things. Finish the due homework and make sure you have mastered the concepts in the assignment (O’Brien 6).
Secondly, according to O’Brien (6), a student must use his/her time wisely and capitalize on the endeavor of learning. I believe that a student must accomplish his/her homework daily to get a good review of what they learned in class. Reviewing whatever the teacher taught in class during the day for an hour daily will help the student to remember the concepts during exam time.
The next is that a student must attend every class. The significance of regular class turnout cannot be overstressed. When a student misses classes, he/she misses lectures, class notes, explanations, discussions, and assignments (O’Brien 9). Missing a class makes a big difference, and one cannot make up what they missed. However, they will gain much by attending the classes and can ask relevant questions in case they never understood what was being taught. S…

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