How has British Rule impacted India politically and economically? Does it have a net positive effect or a negative affect to the present day India?

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How has British Rule impacted India politically and economically? Does it have a net positive effect or a negative affect to the present day India?

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 11

Words: 3025

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The effect of British Rule in Indian Politics and Economy:
The British happened to be the most organized and effective government to concur a large percentage of the globe, and Nobody can question their effective strategies of governance for nearly 300 years of British reign and guideline in India profoundly affected the Indian society, economy, legislative issues and the Indian culture overall in this ways; India did not experience industrialization in the nineteenth century in the way that Britain did. In the seventeenth century, India was a generally urbanized and popularized country with a light fare exchange, gave to a great extent to cotton materials, additionally including silk, flavors, and rice. India was the world’s principal maker of cotton materials and had a significant fare exchange to Britain, and also numerous other European nations, by means of the East India Company. As British cotton industry experienced a mechanical upheaval in the late eighteenth century, the Indian business stagnated, and industrialization in India was deferred until the twentieth century.
It is recommended this was on the grounds that India was still a generally horticultural country with low wages levels. In Britain, wages were high, so cotton makers had the motivating force to concoct and buy costly new work spearing advances. In India, by difference, wages levels were low, so makers liked to build yield by contracting a b…

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