How does the use of cell phones change the English Language for high school and college students?

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How does the use of cell phones change the English Language for high school and college students?

Category: Literature Review

Subcategory: Family

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

How does the use of cell phones change the English Language for high school and college students?

The life of a twenty-first-century teenager is deprived without a cell phone. An increasing amount of students today go around with smartphones in their hands, using them not only for communication but also for education. Critics, however, have repeatedly argues that the excessive use of cell phones is harming students’ abilities to communicate properly. In his paper SMS Texting and Its Potential Impacts on Students’ Written Communication Skills, Dansieh says that the opinion on cell phones and the nature of their impact is divided into three streams: there are those who think that cell phones and related technology have a positive impact on students’ written and communication skills; others, who argue the opposite, and finally, those who take a more neutral side in the debate, saying that the use of cell phones, especially SMS texting, is neither good nor bad CITATION Dan11 p 222 n y t l 16393 (222).
Since SMS texting is meant to say things in a concise manner, it does not show any regard towards the basic rules of grammar, such as punctuation, periods, and so on. The more students gravitate towards the habit of texting, the more they imbibe the disregard of grammar into their daily writing routine. There are some, like David Crystal, who would say the opposite. The Linguistics Professor in his book the Txtng: the Gr8 Db8, says that the more students write, the more they i…

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