How critical thinking can be used in everyday life.

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How critical thinking can be used in everyday life.

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Professional

Level: Academic

Pages: 2

Words: 550

How Critical Thinking Can Be Used In Everyday Life

Application of Critical Thinking in Everyday Life
During the course, I have gained substantive knowledge of how to use critical thinking skills that are applicable in addressing human conflict. The course has been valuable in enhancing my ability to evaluate information, problem-solving, approaching cross-cultural perspective, and revolving controversies, as well as dilemmas. I am capable of incorporating the critical thinking skills in the analysis of texts. In this reflection paper, I will focus on illustrating three critical concepts I have learned in the course: problem-solving techniques, cross-cultural perspective, and forms of argument.
Firstly, I have been able to grab adequate knowledge on diverse aspects, facets, or components of an argument. These components of an argument include issues, evidence, positions, and resolutions. I will focus on the use of these components and knowledge to form diverse arguments, as well as analyze arguments in everyday life (Paul & Elder, 2013). In the course of understanding an argument, I will focus on listening carefully and effectively with the obligation of understanding diverse aspects and components of the argument. Secondly, I will concentrate on using the concepts of the course to engage in argumentative situations through supporting or falsifying diverse views with reasons and substantive evidence. That is one of the essential componen…

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