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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Military

Level: Academic

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
The concept of honor is as old as the universe itself even though the concept of honor has gained more prominence in the years of civilization. Honor is a term that is used to define respect. Honoring an individual and respecting an individual usually mean the same thing. However, honor has a deeper meaning and is usually used in the deepest sense. In the Christian bible, Christians are asked to honor their parents. God instructs humans to honor their parents in order for the humans to live longer. Trying to understand the reason behind this commandment boils down to the fact that parents have a sacred duty on this earth and are responsible for bringing up their offspring. If the world did not respect that duty, then parenthood and the perpetuation of offspring on earth would lose meaning (Gültekin 75).
Honor is a virtue that cannot be sold. It is not a physical attribute that one can lose, but an innate character within a person that defines who the person really is. In recent times, honor has lost the meaning it used to have in ancient civilizations. Especially in ancient Greek civilizations, the war heroes adored honor over all else. Heroes would die to honor their names or the names of their masters. Soldiers would die fighting to protect the honor the name of their parents. A person who would try to dishonor one’s name was fought with vigor. Such were the times in the ancient civilizations. The ordinary m…

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