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History Thesis Proposal

Discussion Board Name Institutional Affiliation Pontiac describes the relationship between Native Americans and British as complex and often violent because the British soldiers were corrupt, hostile and always prepared for war by encouraging the purchase of weapons. They lived in great enmity while each group was pursuing their interests whereby Native Americans wanted to chase British out of their lands while British persisted in settling. A speech was given by Pontiacs aimed at accomplishing and delivering the message of Master of life. He focused on informing people that the only way to enter heaven was through casting away the corrupt influence of Europeans through expelling European...

Indian Removal Act

Name: Course: Tutor: Date: The Indian Removal Act The Indian Removal Act was passed into law on May 28th in 1830 by President Andrew Jackson ("Milestones: 1830–1860"). It was a relocation policy by the United States government. The act was signed by the President and was implemented under his administration. The purpose of the act was to make it possible for the government to issue out land that was unoccupied on the west of the Mississippi. The land was to be exchanged with the Indian lands. The act involved negotiations between the President and the Southern Native American tribes to exchange their lands for Mississippi. The act was received well by the people of the South but the Indian...

Homework 2

NameCourse Instructor Date Contemporary Art from China Theatre of the World, 1993, by Huang Yong Ping This artistic design has two components, the bridge-like structure, and the tortoise-like structure. Huang's artistry refers back to Jeremy Bentham's 1700s prison concept. It depicts the way modern societies are surveilled by their governments. Huang also draws inspiration from the mythical creature, Daoist deity Xuanwu, which is an animal that has a tortoise-like body and a snake-like head; according to cosmological perspectives, this union helped create the universe. This design reflects on the Chinese geopolitical aspects of today, whereby the Chinese people have been subjected to...

Connection of slavery to the civil war

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date The connection of slavery to the civil war How did Northern war goals change in relation to slavery as the war progressed? During the civil war in America, slavery played a very significant role. One of the main catalysts of the war was the resistance of the southern leaders when the northern leaders who were against slavery tried to block the introduction of slavery toward the western sides. As the civil war continued, the North changed its goal. Initially, the North was fighting in order to save the union (Blackmon 34). However, the goal changed and the main goal of the North afterward was to eliminate slavery. The life of slaves changed a lot...

History Islam Text 4

Student`s Name Professor`s Name Course Title Date of Submission History Islam Text 4 The extract describes the fall of Baghdad with Ain Jalut. The passage describes the events taking place in the last stages of the Abbasid Empire. The dynasty comes to an end because of attacks from the Tatar armies. During this period, Baghdad was a flourishing city known for its advancement in science and education. It was the pride of the Abbasid Empire since earlier Caliphates had developed the city very well. The author of the passage gives a first-hand account of the events leading to the fall of Baghdad and the events that take place after. The author of the main extract agenda is to provide a detailed...

TotalitarianismAdolf Hitler of Germany and Joseph stalin of the Soviet union

Name Instructor Course Date Totalitarianism: Adolf Hitler of Germany and Joseph Stalin of Soviet Union. Totalitarian regimes have one similar characteristic of being non-democratic. The dictators establish a one well defined legal limit that is only understood by the rulers. Non-democratic states are governed by a totalistic ideology, and involve a single mass party. Adolf Hitler of Germany Totalitarianism was expressed by Adolf Hitler’s ability to gain total control of the Germany people. Hitler’s dictatorship was successful because of his ability to control and manipulate the laws which kept him, and the Nazis within the legal boundaries. Hitler managed to have one party control the...

History Islam Text 3

Student`s Name Professor`s Name Course Title Date of Submission Historical Islam Text 3 The passage is about one of the independent rules of the Abbasid territories. The author follows the life of an exceptional s black slave named Kafur al-Ikhshidi. The slave had defied all odds and rose to power becoming an independent governor in the empire. The primary purpose of the author is to provide an accurate account of the events leading to the rise of local dynasties and the decline of the Abbasid Empire. Additionally, the passage provides an objective perspective of the state of the empire during this period. The extracts show how the local dynasties came to power and gained independence from...

History Islam Text 2

Student`s Name Professor`s Name Course Title Date of Submission History Islam Text 2 The passage is a confession by a Caliph as to the conditions of the powers and the state of the dynasty. The author gives a first-hand perspective about the declining influence of the Caliphate. According to Islamic historical records, the Abbasid Dynasty was facing numerous problems ranging from rebellions to lack of authority. The passage is a confession of a Caliph who says the people are angry at the rule because some Turkish slaves viewed themselves as equal to other Muslims. The passage identifies that some slaves were allowed to run their affairs as well as control their finances and exercise sole...

History Islam Text 1

Name: Tutor:Course: Date: The History of Islam. The excerpt is extracted from a chronicle that outlines the establishment and the expansion of the Umayyad caliphate. The difference in the opinion is seen in the quest to succeed Prophet Mohammed upon his demise. The Helpers want Ubada to succeed him even though he is sick and frail (Lewis 2). However, the Emigrants feels left out and wish to have Bakr as the successor. The perspective of the author is envisioned in the succession plan where each side feels to be more supreme than the other and more deserving to have one of their own take over the reins. The only way to solve the problem is inclusivity and assuring each one of them a sense of...