Hispanics Tip the Fashion Vote

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Hispanics Tip the Fashion Vote

Category: Common App Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Hispanics Tip the Fashion Vote

Hispanics have demonstrated the highest growth rate in the U.S. As a result retail stores and various brands have had to research on the preferences of the Hispanics. Moreover, the biggest show- down of Hispanics’ political power uprise was the reelection of President Barack Obama. However, their economic power has the highest rise among these attributes- a feat that has had stores and brands to rise to the occasion. Various studies and surveys have been carried out on Hispanics’ economic strength and their preferences when it comes to spending in the fashion and apparel industry. The most notable study by Selig Center for Economic Growth found out that Hispanics’ spending and buying power has been in a sharp rise between 1990- 2015. They are also the country’s largest ethnic minority and are projected to continue increasing in the coming years.
Latin women have a high interest in apparel contributing to 15% of apparel sales per year. Research has shown Hispanic women represent the highest number of customers making use of mobile and internet shopping /searches for goods and services. Moreover, Hispanic women record the highest number of trips to retail shops per week. A Latina Insights survey showed that most respondents had “go-to” destination for holiday shopping across a different range of departmental stores. It was not a surprise that the highest category of the shopping was clothing.
Hispanic women have had their fashion sens…

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