Group Project Reflection and Peer Evaluation

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Group Project Reflection and Peer Evaluation

Category: Literature Review

Subcategory: Art

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Group Project Reflection
Instructions: Write your answers in complete sentences. Be as specific as possible and provide as specific of instances as possible. Highlight, Bold or CAPITALIZE any terminology you might use from the text. Your paragraph/supporting example needs to be a minimum of 4 descriptive sentences.
There are NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS, but you do need to fully explain and provide an example that demonstrates how your words or actions meet that description.
Read the statements below. Choose A, B, C, or D and then write a developed paragraph describing in your own words exactly what you did that fits that description.
When contributing to your team discussions or at team meetings, did you:
Share an idea that ultimately did not advance the work of the group,
Offer a new suggestion to the group that did advance the work of the group,
Offer an alternative solution or course of action that built upon other group members’ ideas, OR
Help the team move forward by articulating the merits of other ideas?
Your Letter Choice: B
Paragraph/supporting example:
During our group discussions, I offered new suggestions that helped us with the task that we were handling. I suggested that every group member should be assigned a role to ensure that everybody played a part in the team. As a result, every member was assigned a topic to research on before our next group meeting where we would compile our findings. The result was that ev…

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