Grapple problem

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Grapple problem

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Mathematics

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Grapple Problem
Line segments that can be drawn in constellation Orion
A constellation is a group of stars. Orion is a prominent constellation found on the
celestial equator and available throughout the world. It is one of the brightest and conspicuous
throughout the world. Since it consists of eight major stars, the lines of segments are drawn to
link these stars as shown in the figure below;

From the above figure, the names of the stars found in the constellation Orion are indicated. As
can be seen, they are eight connected with sixteen lines. It was difficult to come up with a regular
figure because of the way the stars available have arranged themselves. We can conclude and say
that the lines are drawn depending on the stars available in any constellation. That is to say that if
a constellation had even a hundred stars, the lines of a segment are drawn linking the different
stars available.

Chess Board
A chess board is a square board holding black and white squares. To determine the number
of squares, count the number of horizontal squares and the number of vertically placed squares.
To get the total number of squares, you multiply these two numbers. In the chessboard below;

The number of vertical squares is eight and the number of horizontal squar…

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