Government Project Management

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Government Project Management

Category: Case Study

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

This is a line structure type of an organization where orders are from the top officials to the subordinates. Each auxiliary follows orders from above, and there is no particular point where staff at the same horizontal level will advise one another.
How should this structure work?
The project manager, in this type of organizational structure, who is the top official, is overall in all activities that the organization is responsible for performing. The decision on what should be done and should be done by who always come from the above. No, any staff can object to directions given by the assistant project manager who in this case is the acting chairman.
How the structure should work
The structure should always observe instructions from the top officials. Anyone given any duty and responsibility is answerable to any inconvenience that may arise during the time the exercise is being done.
Can the project manager be a military type?
The project manager cannot be a military type once he is reassigned after being given off duty. The project manager is the image of the organization itself, and everywhere he goes, he represents the organization. Being involved with some practices will not create a real picture.
Advantages of the structure
There is a clear chain of command hence no one can escape his duties.
Gives the staff personal power over particularly relegated duties.
There is a chance to advise the sub…

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