Governance in The Cloud

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Governance in The Cloud

Category: Literary Analysis Essay

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Governance in The Cloud
Security Threats
Cloud services have revolutionized the way people and organizations use and manage their data. However, the new development comes with several threats to the information uploaded to the cloud databases. Some of them include reduced control from the user, cases of unauthorized users accessing data and the consumer not seeing where the info is visibly stored among other threats (Ackermann 12). Risk management strategies against the above risks include ensuring that any person trying to access a database authenticates his or her identity and also guaranteeing that there is an assessment of the services that one accesses at any time to keep a clear record and logs for auditing.
Governance Principles
Governance principles for cloud services include compliance with policies and standards; where an enterprise using cloud services should comply with the set regulations. The other measure is that the business should have objectives that drive forward and support the cloud service strategies. All the members of the cloud network should coexist and uphold collaboration. Companies using the cloud services should adhere to change management procedures from time to time. Another principle is that enterprises using the service should enforce fundamental processes to achieve constant improvement of the system.
Management Opportunities
Some of the opportunities in cloud management exist …

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