Gerbner’s Theories/ How do popular arts influence people and societies?

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Gerbner’s Theories/ How do popular arts influence people and societies?

Category: Argumentative Essay

Subcategory: Religion

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Gerbner’s Theories: How do popular arts influence people and societies?
To what extent are our behavior, attitude and action altered by what we see? Gerbner’s analysis claims that popular art can change an individual’s behavior over time. Most popular arts are created based on the things that we see, hear or experience in our daily lives. Popular art, such as films, maintain and propagate the events to the viewers, hence binding their minds to the facts. Wood (293) explains that we human beings tend to experience Gerbner’s mainstreaming effect. Popular art can shape how people and society construct their perception of the surrounding within extreme ends of violence and safety.
According to cultivation theory, individual perception of the world and their surrounding are shaped by the type of art they are exposed to (Shrum 1). Prolonged exposure to popular art describing violent events can create fear within an individual and make them find the world as a dangerous place to live. Weldon (2) explains that the pictorial elements of art can cultivate our conception of social reality. A case of a child being made to see or watch popular forms of art depicting ogres and witches will eventually make the child believe in their existence. Thus the child will always be scared more than she was before viewing the art.
Most popular forms of art we experience depict scenes of murder violence, rape, and torture (Bond 2). For the instance of heavy viewe…

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