Freedom in The Family

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Freedom in The Family

Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Freedom in the Family ReviewPatricia Stephens Due knows that civil rights movement was motivated by less fortunate people or the average citizens like her and her daughter Tananarive. Her main influence and inspiration come for Martin Luther King Junior, who was among the activists. However, she sets herself to write the memoir that incorporates her life story as well as the story of other activists who struggled to strengthen the lives of people. The tale of Patricia relates with that of Tananarive, her daughter who has won American book award. Afterward, Tananarive, her daughter grew up and enmeshed deeply in the family’s value of making right that seemed to go wrong. She also grew with the objective of saving people and enlightening them of their rights. Patricia and her daughter have tried to explain the challenges that people used to face in the Civil Rights era height. As a result of their effort, they have invested much of their time and resources writing to create awareness to both the people of their country and other nations.
However, they have revealed the struggles of a spanning mother-daughter journey. The story started in 1960 when Patricia was a student. She studied at Florida A&M University where she and her sister Priscilla joined the movement of agitating for people’s right. The approach was not easy. They faced problems like “jail-in” when student protested for their rights. It was an alternative that they preferred rather than paying fine. …

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