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Forestry Business Plan

Week 8 Name of Student Institutional Affiliation Running head: WEEK 8 Issues that may Arise As explained in the case, the XYZ Corporation terminated the manager before the management conducted any investigations to determine whether the allegation was true. Consequently, several issues may arise due to the termination. First, the manager may revenge against the employee who caused the mess up and the organization for failing to investigate the matter. Moreover, depending on the manager's action, the XYZ's reputation may be at stake. In particular, the company may end up losing its market reputation for firing an employee based on unconfirmed allegations. What the Company Needed to Do...

Environmental Science 2

Part A Agriculture has been the backbone and the primary source of food globally. However, as a result of rapid population increase, improved methods of cultivation are essential to ensure that there is a constant supply of food to serve the growing population. However, the resources necessary to support the required high level of agricultural production are vast. In the real world, the rate of population growth has been seen as geometric as the food supply is arithmetic (Malthus, 1978). The central concept portrayed in the modules is that the population growth rate has been considered as a threat to food security. Therefore programs have been put in place to provide individuals with knowledge and...