Find any example of a real project with a real project manager. Feel free to use projects in the media (such as the Olympics, television shows, or movies) or a project from your work, if applicable

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Find any example of a real project with a real project manager. Feel free to use projects in the media (such as the Olympics, television shows, or movies) or a project from your work, if applicable

Category: Exploratory Essay

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Project Management Review
Project: Establishment of a public toilet
Project scope: Build the toilet structures, including the building and its amenities, perimeter fence, water reservoirs and connection, installation of electricity, the establishment of a paying booth, landscaping and making of lawns and pavements.
Time: 6th June 2015 to 30th July 2015.
Cost: $20,000
The project met all its scope and time goals, but the total cost at the completion of the project exceeded the estimated one by $1800. The over-expenditure was attributed to the hiked prices of building material from the time of planning to the time of execution.
Being an establishment at the heart of the city, the quality of building and details of the finishing, as well as the landscaping, needed to be of high standard. Luckily human and financial resources were readily available. Firstly, the city’s population offered many skilled and experienced persons available to work on the project. Secondly, the sponsor of the project, WHO, is conjunction with the local government of the city provided funds for the smooth and timely running of the project.
The biggest risk in this project was that the amount of water that would be needed was overwhelming. With about 100 people expected to flush each of the four toilets, about 10,000 liters of water would be consumed by the establishment every day (Pathak 314). To reduce this volume, the project designers decide…

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