Film and Theater

Film and Theater
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Critical thinking about Film & Theater studies

Name Instructor CourseDate Frankenstein Film Review The idea of the ‘return or repression’ is generally fundamental to Gothic fiction, and particularly Gothic horror. Very closely related with the concept that the repressed usually attempt to rise to the sensible mind is the notion of the ‘Other.’Generally, ‘Otherness’ is a depictive figure of the thing that the prevailing ideology considers a danger to the status quo. Maintaining the current status exclusively depends on the repression as well as suppression of the concepts that run parallel to that particular ideology, and that possess the potential of instigating violence, rebellion and even disorder into the daily life’s...

Discuss how the filmmaker contributed to the development of cinematic language.

Name Professor Course Title Date Birth of a Nation (1915) Introduction The cinematic language has developed over time. There are very many filmmakers who are credited with developing the language used today in making films. In evaluating how the filmmakers impacted to the advancement of the language used in cinemas, this essay will make references to the Birth of a Nation directed by D.W Griffith that was produced during the year 1915. The article will tackle the tackle the shots, as well as the angles that were taken when producing the film. It will also show how Griffith used these techniques to ensure that he brings out the emotional content as well as the impacts of the scenes in the...

Cronenberg’s Address of Virtual Reality in eXistenZ

Virtual reality film, eXistenZ delivered self-referential twists that seemed to mess with the minds of the viewers. In the film, there were games that were within games, which were also within games. The filmmaker informs his viewers that technology can engross their viewers in illusions that are very compelling. Andrei Tarkovsky Solaris (1972) noticeably investigates the boundlessness of a scientific probability that may exist in the outer world, and this is in stark contrast to Cronenberg gaming movie, eXistenZ (1992). Morphologically, the two films are different resonating with different audiences. Cronenberg film suggests the notion that on the one hand, technologies were developed with a given...