Figurative Language

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Figurative Language

Category: Creative Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Figurative Language
The use of figurative language in “The Minister’s Veil” focuses on Hooper’s hidden sin. The literary style assists in illustrating the relationship between Hooper and his congregation, Hooper and Elizabeth and the significance of the veil. The analysis highlights some of the areas in the text that depict figurative language.
An example of figurative language in the text is exhibited in Elizabeth’s request to Hooper whereby she states, “Come, good sir; let the sunshine from behind the cloud. First lay aside your black veil, then tell me why you put it on,” (Hawthorne). The statement highlights a metaphor whereby Hooper attempts to hide the goodness in him by putting on the veil. By then Elizabeth is not aware of the significance of the veil. All that Elizabeth wants is to view his face. Nonetheless, the audience is aware that the veil does not only function to conceal Hooper’s face but also illustrates the concealing of the sinful nature of humanity.

Another example of figurative language in the text is the statement, “Yet perhaps the pale-faced congregation was almost as fearful a sight to the minister as his black veil to them,” (Hawthorne). The statement is made during a congregational meeting between Hooper and his followers. It can be viewed that the author uses the phrase “pale-faced” to distinguish between Hooper’s light and dark visages including the members of his congregation…

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