Fiduciary Care Report

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Fiduciary Care Report

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Public Relations (PR)

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Fiduciary Care Report
Student’s Name
Institution’s Affiliation
Fiduciary Care Report
Part I
John Doe’s physical and mental condition is severe enough to prevent him from managing his own life including his finances entitled by the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). The local VA Medical Center personnel and his relatives, including brother and nephew, provides the necessary care. Though the family struggles to pay their monthly bills, Doe’s relatives have taken care of most of his basic needs.
Mr. Doe has a dependent, his mother aged 85 who is in her early stages of dementia. Their house is in poor condition thus not ideal considering their state of health. Doe suffers from a brain hemorrhage, COPD Cardio-myopathy, stroke and incontinent bowel and bladder. His current state of health requires 24-hour care which can suitably be given by a close relative.
His brother, Andrew Doe, has previously demonstrated the willingness and ability to care with nothing in return and going to an extent of giving a large portion of his salary for the care of his mother and brother. Therefore, Andrew Doe is the most suitable option for his brother’s fiduciary care. Served by a close relative, Doe’s physical and psychological needs as well as unique circumstances can easily be identified and addressed.
Part II
Cases regarding fiduciary care are often difficult to prioritize due to the uncertainty in the sense of urgency or the danger the beneficiary is progressively e…

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