FBI: Safety or Privacy. Dealing with the legality of privacy breach.

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FBI: Safety or Privacy. Dealing with the legality of privacy breach.

Category: Case Study

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: University

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Safety or Privacy: Dealing with the Legality of Privacy Breach
Student’s Name:
Course Title: Strategic Intelligence
Task: Case Study – Continued
Institutional Affiliation:
Case Study: Microsoft Company and the US Government
In 2013, the US Supreme Court issued a submission warrant that demanded Microsoft to release the email details and personal information of individuals involved in drug trafficking. The warrant compelled the Microsoft technology company to release personal information and private emails stored in a consumer’s email account. The private emails were stored by Microsoft in a server located in Dublin, Ireland. Although the tech giant complied with the request and warrant to release email details and personal information stored in servers located in the U.S, it refused to release data held in servers located abroad; particularly Ireland. The refusal was backed by claims of intra-territoriality which mean Microsoft is not allowed to release foreign data – unless under the mutual legal assistance treaties [MLAT]. The treaty stipulates that foreign data particularly that stored in Ireland can only be released with mutual collaboration with the Ireland government. Microsoft argued the U.S government and the US Supreme Court should pursue more diplomatic channels and traditional bilateral laws to access such ‘prohibited’ information and data. This move included collaborating with the EU and Ireland authorities to obtain the information of ‘susp…

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