Exit Interviews

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Exit Interviews

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Human Resources

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Exit Reviews
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An exit interview is an investigation carried out with an employee’s when leaving an organization or a company. Logically, the company and the employers are more aware of protecting the organizational trade secrets and their relationships with customers. Exit reviews are mostly carried when the current employee is being employed in a competitive firm or opening another organization (Hendricks, 1993). The exit interview gives an illuminates the employers’ strategy in sourcing for future employment ideas from the departing employees. Also, it helps the employer understand the risk linked with losing employees to a competitor in the future market. The following are the reasons why the human resources management must keep employee information confidential in such circumstances.
Critically, the information of the employees should be precise. In the most companies, the information given is used to solve organizational complexities should there arise an internal problem. Thus, the departing employees are required to give the correct information why he/she is leaving the company. The confidential information is used to improve the future employment and the condition of the retained employees. The human resources manager analyses the information and informs the boss in the area they are required to improve (Zarandona, et al., 1985).
Furthermore, the employees are required to be transp…

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