Examine the way in which literary genre establishes the parameters within which the play ‘Cloud Nine’ (Caryl Churchill) can be understood.

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Examine the way in which literary genre establishes the parameters within which the play ‘Cloud Nine’ (Caryl Churchill) can be understood.

Category: Dissertation

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: Academic

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Understanding “Cloud 9” by Caryl Churchill through its Theatrical Elements
Theater as an artistic manifestation has suffered many changes through its history, but the basic three-act Aristotelian structure of setup, confrontation and resolution remains as a staple of most of the industry’s productions. Conversely, Caryl Churchill attempts to defy that inherited industry trait, introducing not only twists but aiming to go further and restructure the plays to an extent where seeing a structure can prove a challenge. However, this does not mean that Churchill’s plays lack a structure. On the contrary, her plays are carefully weaved to be easily understood, yet they require the involvement of the spectator and not a mere passivity. Consequently, in her plays, the audience also plays a role, as their beliefs are questioned and as well as they challenge the elements of the play. Hence, Churchill’s plays can be seen as a product of her experimentation with the dramatic forms. Moreover, by eliciting questions from the audience, the author challenges the conventional perceptions of theater, as well the spectators’ thought patterns, particularly those related to women and homosexuality (Seal 203). Therefore, Cloud 9 can be seen in such optic, it serves the purpose of entertaining, but it is not its goal. Instead, through careful experimentation and imagery it shows a compelling image of the sexuality and human relationships.

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