Evidence & Microscopes ,

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Evidence & Microscopes ,

Category: Critical Analysis Essay

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Evidence and Microscopes
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The application of microscopy in the field of forensic sciences is limitless. This has resulted in microscopes becoming nearly indispensable in entire forensic disciplines that involve natural sciences. Thus, a firearms specialist comparing a bullet, a specialist in trace identifying and comparing hairs, fibers, dust or soils, a serologist scrutinizing bloodstain and more all depend on microscopes even if they are used for different purposes and different ways. However, the core principal of the microscope is to enlarge images of smaller objects. (Bloss, 2009) Gives the case of exemplary bullet from the crime scene, the forensic analyst after receiving the spacemen he first establishes the brushes and similar particulars if exist on both crime bullet and the exemplary one by microscopically comparing the two. This could establish if the two bullets originated from the same gun under investigation.
(Rochow & Tucker, 1994) Have explained a variety of microscopes that are used in modern forensic science. To begin with Stereoscopic microscope, this is a simplest kind of microscope both in terms of construction and its use. It contains two compound microscopes that are aligned side by side at a correct angle of the visual which provides a real stereoscopical image. The choice of the microscope works well in preliminary examinations and preparing small particles for further analysis with powerful ins…

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