Ethical influence on solicitation

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Ethical influence on solicitation

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: Academic

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Topic 1:
A Procurement Manager’s post comes with its pros and cons. On one hand is the extreme influence on core departments that enable a company to flourish with good management. With such power comes a risk as individuals interested in doing business with the company. These are namely suppliers, vendors or contract bidders. Among the duties of a Procurement Manager is to choose the best-qualified suppliers and contract bidders. Most of these vendors are heavily competed, and the contenders try to course Procurement Officers by all means possible. In exchange for preferential treatment, suppliers offer tokens like gifts, all expense trips among other lucrative officers.
Hence, among challenges Procurement Officers face is the ethical challenge of accepting bribes. This requires a critical wise thought our decision at the bottom line is that the enterprise offering such techniques to do business has no confidence in their legitimate ability to deliver. It shows compliance in the enterprise and therefore not a business partner one could trust. Procurement Officers should therefore not accept such approaches as, despite the personal satisfaction the bribe may bring, one risks putting their own business in jeopardy. It brings to light the ability of the Procurement Officer from a managerial standpoint. The showing wise judgment sets a profound example to fellow colleagues and employees.
Topic 2:
Among techniques, Procurement Officers use …

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