Essay Analysis

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Essay Analysis

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Mechanical Engineering

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Essay Analysis
This essay will delve into an analysis of The Meaning of Hockey by Marche. The thesis of the piece is that hockey is one of the most precious sports in Canada. In fact, it is one of the most recognized games in Canada, and everybody acknowledges or watches it on a regular basis. The thesis is not challenging because of it simple to deduce the main agenda of the article only by the reading the first few paragraphs.
The organizational structure that the author uses is argumentative because it is persuasive in nature and tries to drive home the point that hockey is the most important sport in Canada. Its thesis also states its position and have different paragraphs that defend it. Its primary aim was to convince the reader towards the hypothesis and is logically structured.
One of the rhetorical devices used in the essay is an allusion. The author says that “games, like words…” (Marche n.p). He also uses similes, for instance, he says “sport, like art…” (Marche n.p). The irony is also apparent as he says “Canadian hockey purists…remain unaware of their relationship to an Aboriginal spirit” (n.p) blissfully. A rhetorical question is also among the literary devices used as he says “And the dying woman in the Toronto hospice?”. Lastly, he also uses different points of view in different arguments to express his points.
Paragraphs do not transition undoubtedly from one to another as it is divided into subt…

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