English Proposal Essay

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English Proposal Essay

Category: Proposal Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Electronic mails versus printed memos in communication
Advantages and disadvantages of using emails and printed memos
Emails provide a cheap way to disseminate information within an organization quickly. The message transfers with the click of a button and reaches thousands of people at a time. The email also contains permanent records where the recipients can refer to the information. However, the use of emails presents a risk of transmitting viruses within an organization or network (Gurak and Lannon 36). The channel relies on electricity, the internet, and computers and thus when the aspects fail to work, information ceases to transmit.
Memos provide a formal way to reach a large group of people. They offer little disruption as the recipients can only read them at their convenience (Gurak and Lannon 39). On the contrary, they provide one-way communication channels, and hence the recipients struggle to find clarification on various issues.
Convenient situations for memos and emails
Emails work best for groups of people not located within the same area or building. For example, the shareholders of a company stay in different parts of the country, and therefore managers cannot reach all of them by posting memos. The use of emails allows the managers to send the message to every individual. It, therefore, excludes the possibility of some individuals claiming they missed the communication.
The memos work best when organizations…

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