Emmet till, Rwanda, or open if its a really good topic / paper

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Emmet till, Rwanda, or open if its a really good topic / paper

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Emmett Till
Emmett Louis Till was born on July 25, 1941, and died on August 28, 1955. He was an African-American teenager who lived so fast and died too young after being lynched in Mississippi by allegedly flirting with a white woman. He had visited a relative in Money a town in Mississippi when he met his death. He flirted with a married 21- years, Carolyn Bryant, a proprietor of a small grocery store. After some couple of nights, Bryant husband, Roy and his half-brother Milan stormed into Till’s great-uncle house and abducted the boy, tortured him through beatings and mutilations. Worst still, they shot him and kill him instantly before dumping his body in the Tallahatchie River.
The body took some three good days to be found and retrieved from the river. This is regarded racism of the highest order (Houck). Something so shocking is that he the murders of Till were acquitted later. Something must have been amiss. But then looking at the benefits this murder came with, it turns from a saddening dirge to a success story. This is because it was a turning point for the African-Americans to start agitating for their rights. It is a story that is very relevant to history students world over. The human rights, racism, unfair trials and importance of civil rights are all covered in this paper about Emmett Till.
Events That Led To His Murder
It is hard to believe that wolf whistle could lead to a death of a teenager. But it result…

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