Emily Dickinson

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Emily Dickinson

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Electrical Engineering

Level: College

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

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Emily Dickinson
On 10th December 1830, Emily Dickinson was born Emily Elizabeth Dickinson in Massachusetts. To be precise, she was born in Amherst, a town in Massachusetts. Before she died, she was a poet by profession. During her teenage years, she was in close contact with a man named Newton. The poet rendered him a mentor thus speculations about their intimate relationship may have been mere rumors. Newton introduced Dickinson into various writing works and poems (Howe, Susan & Eliot 7). In fact, he gave her Ralph Waldo Emerson’s collection of poems as a gift. Before Newton’s death, he encouraged Dickinson to continue with her greatness because he loved her poetry (Howe et al. 8-9).
Dickinson was well versed in the Bible, which in fact, is a form of literature. She was also interested in other various types of literature. The poet also read many letters addressed by different authors. In addition to the collection of poems, Newton also awarded her with the gift of “Letters from New York” by Lydia Maria Child. Dickinson also read other works such as William Shakespeare and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, among other authors (Kirk 3-7).
The poet appears in the frontline of the American culture as a poetic hero. According to her poems, she depicts that America has greatly improved the world of literature. Also, she was inspired by authors and writers emanating from America. Dickinson is …

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