Electrical enegineering in the field of Antennas and wave propagation and electromagnetism

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Electrical enegineering in the field of Antennas and wave propagation and electromagnetism

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Bioengineering

Level: PhD

Pages: 15

Words: 4125

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Electrical Engineering in the field of antennas, wave propagation and electromagnetism

Communication industry has seen tremendous development in the last decade which continues up to date. The developments partly involve bettering transmission and reception of waves that aid in communication. This means that the knowledge of the phenomena of wave propagation, electromagnetism and antenna design and application is a vital requirement for sustainable development in communication technology. This paper analyzes these phenomena and their application in mobile phones. A greater focus is given to Multi-input Multi-output (MIMO) technique and its application in mobile smart phones. Multi-input multi-output antennas are analyzed based on their performance and effects on human body. CST Microwave studio simulation, other handset antennas and SAR effect are described. Ultra wideband antennas are discussed highlighting their advantages and applicability in communication devices and specifically in mobile phone devices. A brief description of frequency selective surfaces is also given, highlighting their applicability in communication.
Mobile phone technology has evolved greatly since the release of the very first commercial cell phone. The cell phone weighed approximately two pounds with long rubber antenna about five inches above a ten-inch body. These dimensions did not, however, match its efficiency as…

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