Effectiveness of enhanced communication therapy in the first four months after stroke for aphasia and dysarthria: a ramdomized controlled trial by Bowen et al.

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Effectiveness of enhanced communication therapy in the first four months after stroke for aphasia and dysarthria: a ramdomized controlled trial by Bowen et al.

Category: Article Review

Subcategory: Food

Level: PhD

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Effectiveness of enhanced communication therapy in the first four months after stroke for Aphasia and Dysarthria: a randomized controlled trial by Bowen et al.
Institutional Affiliation:

Effectiveness of enhanced communication therapy in the first four months after stroke for Aphasia and Dysarthria: a randomized controlled trial by Bowen et al.
Comment on threats to validity and how evidence from this study is strengthened by protections from threats or weakened by unprotected threats
The study by Bowen is crucial and need to initiate debate on the way therapy is given in the early stages of patients after stroke. Currently, the evidence provided is not sufficient to ensure large scale changes in the provision of services for individuals suffering from such disorders based on the findings of the study. There is bias as past studies including that of Bowen make an exclusion of individuals with such disorders of communication. The recruitment of the ACT was seen as being selective and slow as only 21% of the participants were recruited and from this only 44% were later recruited to provide consent and this is due to an inclusion criterion that was seldom used. Patients with communication disorders should have been invited by the researcher to participate as 699 members were excluded.
Assess baseline homogeneity of groups or the adequacy of follow-up
The outcome measurement was indicated as being reliable there is no seen sensitivity when it comes to the use o…

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