EC-Council Research Paper

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EC-Council Research Paper

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Other

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

International Council Commerce Consultants (EC-Council)

Hacking is an illegal activity, the primary intention of hackers is to steal data either from individuals or companies, in most cases, the information is beneficial to the online thieves financially. Also, some online attacks may be carried out by terrorists with the intention of causing harm; this includes the hacking of power plants and interfering with normal operations of the stations which might cause explosions and injure or kill people in the process. In most cases, the people responsible for hacking are not arrested as they are keen to block the paths that might be used to trace them. The EC-Council was created with the intention of detecting all the loopholes that might be used by hackers to gain unauthorized online access and secure them; this is referred to ensuring information security through ethical hacking. The research below provides information about the EC-Council and some certification programs it offers; these include the Licensed Penetration Tester (LPT), the Certified Network Defender (CND), and the Certified Security Computer User (CSCU).

International Council Commerce Consultants
EC-Council was created as a result of the research that was conducted on the devastating September 11 attack on the World Trade Center. The founder of the organization, Jay Bavisi, was motivated to create the council based on the high likelihood that a similar attack might be carrie…

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