Dual Text Analyses: Heart of Darkness and All Quiet on the Western Front

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Dual Text Analyses: Heart of Darkness and All Quiet on the Western Front

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

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Dual Text Analysis: All Quiet in the Western Front / the Heart of Darkness
In this paper, we shall analyze two books: “All Quiet in the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque, and “The Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad. Our analysis centers on how the figures of colonialism and nationalism are present in both books. To do so, we shall answer to a provided set of questions as to shed light on the subject. To do a thorough analysis, we shall separate both issues while keeping the answers relevant to both books.
The Western Front
What is life like for the characters in All Quiet on the Western Front? Life in the trenches is horrible. “One cannot explain it. A man is walking along without thought or heed;–suddenly he throws himself down on the ground and a storm of fragments flies harmlessly over him;–yet he cannot remember either to have heard the shell coming or to have thought of flinging himself down.” (27). Bombs fall for days; the food is always scarce, and moldy. Soldiers can be in the trenches for days, confined to small holes. The best days for the soldiers are when they are relieved from the trenches. They can relax, and have fun while the battle rages in the front lines. However, as soon as those vacations end, soldiers are confronted by the trenches, whose silent company filled with blood and mud, awaits. For many soldiers, home is heaven, but for Paul “They talk too mu…

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