Drugs and society

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Drugs and society

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Drugs and Society
Drugs and Society
A successful strategy is a method that is effective in producing a quality outcome and it is less expensive in its operation. Drug abuse in the world is a serious problem because drug abuse can cause accidents, unintentional injuries, medical problems, the risk of domestic violence, and death. Additionally, substance abuse as the effect of causing health problems such as lung cancers, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular disorder, reduced immune system, sexually transmitted diseases and complicated pregnancy. Lastly, the behavioural problems caused by drug abuse are paranoia, addiction, aggressiveness, impaired judgment, hallucinations, impulsiveness and loss of control. Therefore, drug rehabilitation centers are in place to prevent the negative impact of addiction from happening. Additionally, they also organise campaigns that create awareness that is it is necessary for people in general to avoid drugs and substances abuse.
Different countries of the world are facing the menace of drug abuse. Therefore, different countries have different ways of solving drug abuse issues in their style. For example, the United States of America has a completely different strategy of ending drug abuse cases compared to that of Portugal way.
Drug abuse in the United States is still an issue that is threatening to the society. Today, it has been recorded that 10.8 million youths in the United States abuse hard drugs. T…

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