Dr. Eugenie Clark

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Dr. Eugenie Clark

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Gender and Sex

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Dr. Eugenie Clark
Dr. Eugenie Clark was a marine biologist who did groundbreaking work in marine conservation. The most exciting thing about Clark is her determination and love for the sea. As a young girl, Clark falls in love with the aquarium after a visit with her mother. She is fascinated by water and goes to the local aquarium many times after that. She decides to pursue marine biology since it was her passion and excelled in it. Due to her love for marine life, she fought against all the odds to pursue a career in marine biology and eventually, become a biologist.
Furthermore, her research on marine life was an indication of how passion can lead to success. Clark`s determination has earned her respect from other scientists as has changed our view on sharks. She is one of few women scientist and had to work tirelessly to acquire her college and graduate degree.
Clark was instrumental in the campaign for marine life conservation. She did numerous researches on marine life, especially sharks, earning her the nickname “The Shark Lady.” Throughout her prolific lifelong career, Clark was able to give users more insight into the world around us. Clark`s work in the Rea Sea proved to be vital in the marine community. Few people had explored the sea, and her discovery added to the scientific knowledge. Furthermore, she was able to engage the public as she spent most of her teaching about sharks (E…

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