Douglass’s efforts to learn how to read and write

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Douglass’s efforts to learn how to read and write

Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Describe Douglass’s efforts to learn how to read and write. Why did he want to, and did he learn to read and write? How did literacy help change him and his situation?
Frederick Douglass noted down his entire life experience in his autobiography or memoir called Narrative of the Life of the Frederick Douglass (1845). He was an American by birth and African by origin and had been enslaved for years. In fact, he was born as a slave. But, with his revolutionary mind, he escaped slavery and evolved as a remarkable statesman. He had been an abolitionist orator. However, as per his accounts in this book his life was not a piece of cake and he had to take many struggle and trouble to stand up in life. His first struggle was with acquiring an education. One striking feature of his character was that he hoped, he hoped for a bright life, out of this dungeon of slavery. In this book, he described the pathetic conditions of slaves, the extreme exploitation by the owners and the relationship between slaves and owners. In the initial 4 chapters, he rambled about his unfortunate birth and the demise of his mother when he was only 7 year old. His life gained momentum first, though implicitly, moving to Baltimore. He reflected his move to be very significant for his present life. However, in this essay the efforts and process of learning will be discussed along with its implications in his life as a life-changing experience.
Focusing on the first part of the question, he was introduced wit…

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