Domestic Violence-Spousal/Partner Abuse

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Domestic Violence-Spousal/Partner Abuse

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Domestic spousal abuse is a series of behavior that one uses to endow control and power over the other by injecting fear and intimidation. This disastrous act has caused a led to a lot of suffering, homelessness, poverty, rejection and to some point fatality in the society globally. When talking of such, Chico does not stand as an exception. The below article is to discuss the presentation of spousal abuse in California and other two countries in relation to Chico and how the citizens in the stated state and countries respectively feel and go about it.
As stated above, spousal abuse has led to a lot of drawbacks but the painful part of the issue is that an ultimate solution has not been found yet, the circle of the violence is still large on both sex. The rate at which women experience the problem is gradually lowering as contrary to men who nowadays experience much of emotional, psychological and sometimes physical torment from their partners. The catalyst is a non-profit organization that has committed itself to addressing the needs of victims of spousal violence regardless of their gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship or language. In a research that was conducted by my organization, the statistic showed that out of every 4 women 1 had gone through spousal abuse in her lifetime, this doesn’t mean that men are left out either since out of 12 men 1 confirmed to experience emot…

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