Does Morality Need Religion

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Does Morality Need Religion

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Construction

Level: High School

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Does Morality Needs Religion?
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Does Morality Needs Religion?
Some philosophers have presented their opinions in dispute that the absence of God in our daily lives, it would be difficult to differentiate between right and wrong and that the society will lack the knowledge of morality. The society cannot do without religion and that has faced a lot of criticism from romanticizing religion; arguing that the society needs myths that help in identifying with fellow beings to help the society realize the importance of compassion that is not often regarded in our rational world (Hoashi, 1932). It is quite unfortunate since most of the statistics does not support the proponents of the moral value of holy traditions. Religion and Morality are issues of global concerns since the most violent, intolerable and unstable countries that have the poor human rights seem to be very spiritual while those that are considered to be least religious tend to perform better when it to comes to the issues of social and the development of morality (Bruce, 1996).
The essay explores facts and evidence that we do not need religion for social morals. The following are some of the facts and evidence to prove that we have social morals without necessarily embracing religion as a tool to achieve moral values.
Religious doctrines have been formulated specifically for behavior control in mind. Origen that happened to be one of the individuals who came…

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