Do electronic media strengthen or weaken the ed. of children and teens?

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Do electronic media strengthen or weaken the ed. of children and teens?

Category: Annotated Bibliography

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Annotated Bibliography
Annetta, L. “Video Games in Education: Why They Should Be Used and How They Are Being Used.” Theory into Practice 47 (2008): 229-39. Routledge. Web. <>.
This study talks about the usage of videogames in education. It covers subjects such as educational gaming and how children and teens would probably make better use of the games, compared to conventional classrooms.

Balaisis, J. “Electronic Media in a Global Education Context: Practices and Issues from a Toronto, Canada Perspective.” Web. <>.
This article covers the usage of computers and their usage in education. It is focused on showing teachers ways on how to keep current with the newer technologies. To Balaisis, as the computers will take the burden of giving lectures, the teachers will become more like tutors able to give personal attention to the student’s needs.

Griffiths, M. “The Educational Benefits of Videogames.” Education and Health 20.3 (2002): 47-51. Web. <>.
Griffiths considers that videogames could be effectively used in education as they teach skills such as hand-eye coordination, spatial visualization, and problem solving skills. The investigation on videogames has gone quite far, says Griffiths, and …

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