Discussion Madness as Muse

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Discussion Madness as Muse

Category: Process Analysis Essay

Subcategory: Earth Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550


Individuals with bipolar disorder experience episodes of energetic moods also known as mania and sadness in the form of depression, and this features can occur jointly or at different times. During the premature stages of the manic episode, individuals tend to be very jovial and energetic, and don’t need sleep or rest (Grunze, 2015). Bipolar disorder occurs when there is the destruction of brain cells within the hippocampus causing a change of mood and also an imbalance with the neurotransmitters-agents that assist brain cells to communicate and control mood (Almeida et al, 2017). Famous musicians, actors, and artists, have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, for example, Vincent Van Gogh a famous painter, had a serious bipolar disorder to a point whereby, he cut off his left ear because of an argument with his employer and traces this disorder to his family where some were even hospitalized.
The different types of bipolar include; type1 bipolar disorder whereby, the individual has a range of moods from mania to a depressive state. In type 2 bipolar, the individual has mild periods of hypomania-not severe but can perform daily activities alternating with episodes of intense depression. Cyclothymic disorder is a type of bipolar experience depression and hypomania jointly for a two year period or more, but the moods are mild. Individual experiencing a manic phase, have extreme and abnormal energetic moods. However, the mood can change…

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