Discuss the promises and reality of American life for African-Americans since 1865.

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Discuss the promises and reality of American life for African-Americans since 1865.

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Realities of the African-American’s Lives since 1865
In this essay, we shall discuss the realities that African-Americans have faced since the emancipation proclamation in 1865. Although freed, many African-Americans have suffered from inequity and discrimination. In this essay, we shall expand on this subject in three specific historical times: The Progressive Era, that ranges from the proclamation of emancipation to the World War I (1865-1914); the period from the World War I to World War II (1914-1945); and last, the period from the beginning of the Cold War, to our days (1945-present). In order to gain a thorough perspective, we consider important to give a brief historical background on slavery, and the emancipation proclamation, in order to gain thorough understanding of the subject.
Historical Background. Here you could go with something along the lines of the beginning of slavery, to the emancipation proclamation. Perhaps focusing on the human factor, and the cruelties many African-Americans suffered
Show how the former slaves were adapting to their new life conditions, and the difficulties they faced in a nation whose laws segregated them. Besides, you could try to show the importance of African-American labor in the country’s industrialization after the Civil War
The Progressive Era
The Emancipation Proclamation. The Black Codes
The 1870-1914 Industrialization
From Wor…

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