Discuss Job’s three radical ideas about his suffering and the character of God and God’s struggle with chaos (Levianthan) as God’s answer to Job

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Discuss Job’s three radical ideas about his suffering and the character of God and God’s struggle with chaos (Levianthan) as God’s answer to Job

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Other

Level: High School

Pages: 3

Words: 825

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Date:Job suffering
Job was an exceptionally righteous person who carefully avoided sinful acts against the laws of God. He behaved in a blameless manner, but like all the human beings he had weaknesses and not perfect. Job deeply debated with his friends about the meaning of his suffering. His three friends were Zophar, Eliphaz, and Bildar who argued that the sufferings of Job were as a result of the sins he committed.
In the midst of the argument, Job accrues three radical ideas about the nature of his suffering and God’s Character.To begin with, Job believed that his humanity gave him the right to attain particular moral rights that included the right to gain protection from any form of suffering. He seemingly thought that God was ignoring to respond to these rights. In this perspective, Job is questioning God’s character as to whether He is immoral. Secondly, Job believed that God is all-powerful and all-knowing therefore Job thought that God must be responsible for the evil that occurs in the world. In this case, Job is questioning God’s character as to whether He is a sinner. Thirdly, Job needed for God to view the world from the human’s point of view, rather than only His own. Job thought that God needed to learn the nature of humans and how it feels like to be on earth and to suffer. This perspective of Job questioned whether God’s character is self-centered.
His friends had completely misunderstood the spiritual c…

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