Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC. Please feel free to address your first and second-choice major selections

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Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC. Please feel free to address your first and second-choice major selections

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Economics

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

My Academic Interest
Looking at my interests to further my skills in computing, electronics, and internet, enrolling at USC will enhance my desire of working on computing technologies and computer sciences. In this regard, my first option for bachelors will be computer science/ enterprise management with second choice being on engineering technologies.
Due to continued development in technology, the technological growth of today is likely to influence our way of life shortly. The change is expected to be experienced in the manner of our communication, interaction and business operations. In other words, the growth of ICT will work to transform and empower every facet of our life. Also, the courses that I plan to pursue will enhance my contribution to virtualized technology. In this regard, I intend to engage in research that will help in developing computer software usable by machines in businesses. Through this, the number of devices required in business operations is likely to reduce hence saving on energy requirements; saving on human resource time especially in essential work thus enhancing capacity. To actualize my passion, I am determined to shift my focus on the virtualization field.
Moreover, I have realized with great concern that my hobby in electronics, internet, computation and subjects’ selection particularly in ICT sector manifests my zeal to pursue computer science training at the undergraduate level. This has greatl…

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