Describe domination vs. subordination between blacks and whites in the modern society

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Describe domination vs. subordination between blacks and whites in the modern society

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Domination vs. subordination between blacks and whites in the modern society
Subordination is a term used to describe a position of a lower level that an individual occupies with the other. On the other hand, domination means to be over the other individual and assuming a superiority complex. The subordinate ones exist and thrive at the mercies of the dormant. Those who are subordinated have no options but to except for the ones by the dominant group. The subordinate are suppressed and mistreated most of the time. Dominants believe they are the superior ones in the association and that the subordinate provide inferior alternatives hence should be controlled to maintain order in the society.
Subordination and domination, are situations that are created by human beings. For this context, we will focus on the two concepts based on whites and blacks relationships. The situation can be induced by the numbers of a given group (majority/minority).With access to resources like wealth and opportunities, education a group becomes empowered and hence dominant. Whites have always dominated in most cases as opposed to blacks. Whites have always outnumbered the blacks, and this have always been their source of power for dominance. The whites have been in the top leadership position, and this have given them authority to structure the system in their favor. Since blacks have been downtrodden, they have psychologically accepted that their worth is lower as compared to that of the whites….

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