Data Collection Techniques

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Data Collection Techniques

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Evaluating the success of a criminal justice
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Evaluating the success of the criminal justice intervention program
Rehabilitation in prison is a very crucial process in a criminal justice system, and it allows people to be properly integrated into society after they have been released. When a majority of the of the criminal is released, there is a high tendency for them to repeat the same offense and be rearrested. As a result, correction institution should make rehabilitation in the criminal justice system a top priority to avoid the scenario.
In most cases, accessing the success rate of a rehabilitation process will require to focus on the people who are released and their tendency to repeat the same mistake they were initially arrested for. Evaluation of the program will involve looking issues such as the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program, research supporting the curriculum, the implementation of the program and the staffs associated in running the program, the clients pre-service and post-service programs. The program integrity will measure how the services and program intervention that is delivered to the inmates during the process.
Data collection techniques will be done through the help of a questionnaire where inmates will be given questionnaire whose answers are weighted in terms of their importance, and they range from the most satisfactory to poor ones (Miceli, 2009). Things that will be tested will include the curric…

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