Critique on how the House Stove has altered over time in order to suit the changing needs of the market.

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Critique on how the House Stove has altered over time in order to suit the changing needs of the market.

Category: Term paper

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: Masters

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Critique on how the House Stove has altered over time to suit the changing needs of the market.

Executive SummaryThe desire to have cleaner and safer ways of cooking through the use of stoves has led to the invention of several stoves since time immemorial. The innovation and use of stoves more so in the third world have been considered fire hazards. According to MacCarty there are more than one million people around the globe who succumb to the inhalation of indoor smoke from stoves, and these are those that are commonly faulty (57). The incremental numbers of serious cases when using stoves has brought about other substantial stove designs that produce relatively low amounts of smoke. There are radical changes that have been brought about by Aprovecho Research Center, through their stove camp, to produce healthy, cheap and efficient stoves for use in the family. Most engineering societies which include Envirofit, and philanthropies like the Gates foundation have made new improvements to the old stoves for purposes of promoting healthy cooking habits through the use of the stove. In the year 2013, there was a clear focus on development and research in Washington DC, which aimed at providing improved heating capabilities for the citizens.

Table of contents
TOC o “1-3” h z u HYPERLINK l “_Toc439049923” Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc439049923 h 1
HYPERLINK l “_Toc439049924” Introduction PAGEREF _Toc439049924 h 2

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