Critical Theory: Adult Learners and Online Learning, Characteristics, Assumptions, Facts

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Critical Theory: Adult Learners and Online Learning, Characteristics, Assumptions, Facts

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 20

Words: 5500

Critical Theory
Section 1
Adult learners who study online are in a vantage position to combine work and other responsibilities that include, for example, work and raising family. However, while studying online for adult learners is more convenient compared to formal learning, they still face a number of challenges that can affect their learning experiences. For example, most of adult learners are accustomed to traditional classroom setting and may face difficulties adjusting to online learning. Further, adult learners also have characteristics that are unique compared to other group of learners such as children and adolescents. Most of them prefer a learning environment where they have autonomy (Wanga et al., 2008). In addition, adult learners are more practical and prefer a learning environment where real life issues are addressed. They also prefer to be treated as equals and challenged beyond their cognitive ability in the learning process. However, these characteristics have an impact on their study online because similar to traditional classrooms, adult learners studying online need a facilitator. As such, the control that they desire in the learning process may not be possible because the instructor plays an active role in designing the training program. The presence of an instructor is also necessary because adult learners have special needs and requirements. Other issues that affect adult learners online include gender and cultura…

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