Criminal Justice Assignment

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Criminal Justice Assignment

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Criminal Justice Assignment
Writer’s Choice
Principles of parole and duties of a parole officer
Parole is defined as the ‘release and supervision of incarcerated offenders’ before the completion of their sentence in jail. Many inmates, which exhibit positive behaviour throughout the term of their incarceration, may be put on parole towards the end of their sentence. This is not only a reward for their cooperation but also a pseudo-transitional phase to help them ease into life after prison (Siegel & Bartollas, 2011).
Parole is based on four principles:
1. Releasing the inmate before his/her sentence is served is a privilege bestowed upon them by the state.
2. A release contract is signed between the offenders and the state on the condition that the former abide by the rules of the parole.
3. Any violation of said rules may put the offender back in prison.
4. The state has authority over all parolees until they complete their sentence and are released from their contracts (Siegel & Bartollas, 2011).
The duties of parole officers have transformed to balance themselves between taking care of public security and reintroducing parolees to life after prison. The officers responsible for offenders on parole are required to monitor the latter weekly through calls, urine tests, and house calls. The latter also include checking the condition of the homes of the parolees, inspecting the contents of their houses for anyth…

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