Creative Thinking in Supply Chain Management

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Creative Thinking in Supply Chain Management

Category: Definition Essay

Subcategory: Economics

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Creative Thinking in Supply Chain Management
Institutional Affiliation
Creative thinking in supply chain management can be said to be a way of looking at the command of supplies and coming up with different and better ideas that will make the company stay ahead of its competitors in the supply chain management. Creativity in the field of supply often demands that one sees things in a different way that the rest can never easily guess their next step.
The most creative way that a global company can stay ahead of the rest is by being steadfast in their way of creative thinking and looking for the best possible option. Further, the advancement in technology has made it easy for supply chain companies as they will only need to employ workers to do what technology cannot do. This is the people that will have to look at the complex systems keenly and draw meaningful conclusions by putting them into context (Lambert, 2008).To add on, people with right brain skills will be needed by organizations because they have strong communication skills and can work across the supply chain management system comfortably.
The changing times across the globe heavily lies in the hands of those who can critically think and look at problems with a different angle. Supply chain management heavily relies on the mind and those who can come up with the best and unpredictable idea end up getting miles ahead of their competitors by miles (Lamming, 1996). Global companies will always need the bes…

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